I can’t keep calm…..


I want to bake, sing songs, hand out gifts and pamper. It’s one of my  best friend’s birthday today, and I should be icing a cake or take her out for drinks or something. Why does she have to live in California? Scientists need to get rolling on the instant travel thing. In the meantime a gift is in the mail, I’m wearing one of her old sweaters, and I’m wishing her all the joy in the world.

Friends are amazing. Unlike any other creatures on this earth, they see you through everything. You can tell them everything. You like everything about them, even the things you don’t like. You don’t always see eye to eye, that would be boring. You don’t always stay in touch, but that’s only because you know you don’t have to. You know that this person is there for life. Boyfriends come and go. Husbands leave or stay. Work change. Live change. Situations change. Some friendships fizzle out, but true friends have an unbreakable bond. It’s this bond I’m celebrating today.

Damn it. I will bake a cake later on. And I will sing Happy Birthday. I don’t care if my neighbor thinks I’m crazy. I’m the unpublished writer who gave up her day job, so my sanity is already being questioned. (It’s such a relief not having to be ‘normal’ all the time.)

That’s all I have to say on this glorious Friday.  Happy Birthday Dear One! I love you!

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Day 364- What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Yes! Today is my one year anniversary. Anniversary of what? Resigning from my day job. When I got home that day, every other thought was ‘What have I done????’ and ‘I’ve finally done it!!!!’ It both was and wasn’t a big deal. I ate a lot of calming junk food and tried not to freak out. Should I order champagne or start writing my eulogy? Was I the smartest or the dumbest person alive?

It’s odd really, how doing the right thing is such a trigger for conflicting emotions.

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Day 349- Day off

My friend arrived from France yesterday, It’s been non-stop fun and games ever since. I’ve served wine, croissants (so she can feel like she’s still in France), chocolate, tea (proper English experience), cherries, strawberries, cookies- basically chatting and giggling fuel. Just enough to keep us going. I even stocked up on some sour apple straws. 

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