Getting things done

Have you noticed that if you experience progress and accomplishment in one area of your life, it bleeds into other arenas as well? If misery loves company, happiness and achievement is down right contagious.


For instance, now that I finally feel I’m getting somewhere with the writing, I seem to have developed Duracell-like energy for all the other stuff that screams for my attention as well. Normally I tell them all to shut up and stop bugging me, (Leave me alone and let me write!) but now I approach everything in the efficient, yet friendly, spirit of Marry Poppins.


  1. Father in law’s probate papers? Done.
  2. Accounting for the drone filming company that I co-founded with my husband? Done.
  3. Rowing everyday? You bet.
  4. Reading more? Absolutely.
  5. Finding a poem to read for the upcoming family gathering? Got it!
  6. Preparing for the road trip around Europe? Finally happening:)

In this state of mind I’m also acutely aware of my friends’ success and prosperity. Hurrah for my friend who singed up for Martha Beck’s Life Coach training. A big round of applause for Zee and her amazing book launch. I’m so thrilled to see how Karen’s blog has totally taken of. I love that Susan is writing poetry, that Sally finds new authors for her interview series every single week, that Tale is learning French….What amazing stuff will these people come up with next?

Maybe the Buddha was on to something when he said that life is not a window, it’s a mirror. All I know is that when I felt stuck and sluggish, I was drawn to other slugs as well. People who did well annoyed me. Nothing felt right. My hair was listless. Then one day I decided to snap out of it, get going, and know the rest. Also, I had a vivid dream of my deceased mother in law. In the dream she gave me very clear and direct writing advice (she used to be a writer and a journalist). That helped.

The week is almost over and I’m looking forward to a delightful evening of good food, watching the sunset, reading, and maybe watch a movie later on. It depends on when husband gets home. He’s out filming with his drone.

See you all later, and thanks for stopping by:)

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